Monday, 7 January 2013


Well, as you can see photography is not my strong point! I made this card using some Dawn Bibby vellum and embellishments I have had in my stash for some time. I printed the verse that I found on the internet. I can't believe it is so long since my last post, but in the lead up to Christmas I was so busy, then I lost my mojo! Then my laptop gave up the ghost, so I have now got a new one, I am not sure if blogger is playing up for me or if it is my security that is not allowing links. I have been playing with some of my new  'christmas' stash today but nothing is finished yet, maybe later. 

1 comment:

  1. Blogger is acting up Carol but I've found a way to put the pics on at last and sort it out lol fab card by the way xxx
